Create Supplier
curl -i -X POST ""
-H "Authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc"
-d "{ [...] }"
The above command returns 201 Created with a location header for where to find the newly created supplier
HTTP/1.0 201 Created
"data": {
"id": 1,
"content_type": "supplier",
"name": "Some Supplier Inc",
"description": null,
"webpage": {
"url": "http://",
"title": null,
"attributes": []
"webshop": {
"url": "",
"title": null,
"attributes": []
"payment": {
"account_number": null,
"bank": null,
"bic": null,
"branch": null,
"eban": null,
"delivery": null,
"payment": null
"agreement": null,
"permissions": {
"edit": false,
"delete": false
"visibility": [],
"url": "api/units/1"
This endpoint creates a new supplier.
HTTP Request
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
name | String | Yes | Supplier name. |
description | String | No | Supplier description. |
categories | Array | No | IDs of the supplier categories |
visibility | Array | No | Array of visibility options: |
- userTypes | Array | No | User type IDs of the user types, who can see this supplier
- units | Array | No | Units this suppliershould be published in
- units_falldown | Array | No | Units this supplier should be published in along with its sub-units address | Array | No | Address data for the primary company address with the following values
- phone | String | No | Main phone number (freetext) of supplier
- email | String | No | Main contact email for supplier
- street | String | No | Street address
- postal_code | String | No | Postal code
- city | String | No | City name
- webpage | String | No | URL to supplier's website
- webshop | String | No | URL to supplier's webshop
- vat_number | String | No | VAT number for the supplier
- registration_number | String | No | Company registration number payment | Array | No | Payment information with the following values
- account_number | String | No | Bank account number
- bank | String | No | Bank name
- bic | String | No | Bank BIC identifier
- branch | String | No | Bank branch number
- eban | String | No | Bank EBAN identifier
- delivery | String | No | Delivery terms
- payment | String | No | Payment terms agreement | String | No | General text describing the agreement with the supplier
Permissions Required
- Administer suppliers permission
Get Suppliers
curl ""
-H "Authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc"
"data": [
"id": 3,
"content_type": "supplier",
"name": "Rodriguez, Connelly and Weissnat",
"description": "Quod tempore laudantium facilis accusamus iure. Maiores sed dolores ducimus et animi. Expedita quaerat qui ut quasi nostrum. Ut harum a harum beatae molestiae rem eveniet.",
"categories": [],
"type": "chain",
"address": null,
"webpage": {
"url": "http://",
"title": null,
"attributes": []
"webshop": {
"url": "http://",
"title": null,
"attributes": []
"payment": {
"account_number": null,
"bank": null,
"bic": null,
"branch": null,
"eban": null,
"delivery": null,
"payment": null
"agreement": null,
"permissions": {
"edit": false,
"delete": false
"files": [],
"contacts": [],
"visibility": {
"units": [
"content_type": "unit",
"id": 3,
"name": "Gulgowski-Tremblay",
"level": 0,
"unit_type": "unit",
"falldown": false,
"url": "api/units/3"
"content_type": "unit",
"id": 1,
"name": "HQ",
"level": 0,
"unit_type": "unit",
"falldown": false,
"url": "api/units/1"
"content_type": "unit",
"id": 2,
"name": "Thompson Group",
"level": 0,
"unit_type": "unit",
"falldown": false,
"url": "api/units/2"
"content_type": "unit",
"id": 4,
"name": "Zemlak, Crist and Hayes",
"level": 0,
"unit_type": "unit",
"falldown": false,
"url": "api/units/4"
"userTypes": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Manager"
"id": 2,
"name": "Employee"
"url": "api/units/3"
"links": {
"first": "",
"last": "",
"prev": null,
"next": null
"meta": {
"current_page": 1,
"from": 1,
"last_page": 1,
"path": "",
"per_page": 50,
"to": 3,
"total": 3
This endpoint retrieves a list of suppliers.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
category | Integer | NULL | If set, only show suppliers from this category |
page | Integer | 1 | Page number for pagination. |
limit | Integer | 50 | Number of records to return per page. |
Get Single Supplier
curl ""
-H "Authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"data": {
"id": 1,
"content_type": "supplier",
"name": "Ratke and Sons",
"description": "Commodi ab qui omnis quo. Doloremque aliquam sed tenetur earum.",
"categories": [],
"type": "unit",
"address": null,
"webpage": {
"url": "http://",
"title": null,
"attributes": []
"webshop": {
"url": "http://",
"title": null,
"attributes": []
"payment": {
"account_number": null,
"bank": null,
"bic": null,
"branch": null,
"eban": null,
"delivery": null,
"payment": null
"agreement": null,
"permissions": {
"edit": false,
"delete": false
"files": [],
"contacts": [],
"visibility": {
"units": [
"content_type": "unit",
"id": 1,
"name": "HQ",
"level": 0,
"unit_type": "unit",
"falldown": false,
"url": "api/units/1"
"userTypes": []
"url": "api/units/1"
This endpoint returns a single supplier
HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ID | Integer | The ID of the supplier |
Permissions Required
- Supplier units and user types match the user's
Edit Supplier
curl -i -X PATCH ""
-H "Authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc"
-d "{ [...] }"
The above command returns 204 No Content on successful update.
HTTP/1.0 204 No Content
This endpoint updates an existing supplier.
HTTP Request
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
name | String | No | Supplier name. |
description | String | No | Supplier description. |
categories | Array | No | IDs of the supplier categories |
visibility | Array | No | Array of visibility options: |
- userTypes | Array | No | User type IDs of the user types, who can see this supplier
- units | Array | No | Units this suppliershould be published in
- units_falldown | Array | No | Units this supplier should be published in along with its sub-units address | Array | No | Address data for the primary company address with the following values
- phone | String | No | Main phone number (freetext) of supplier
- email | String | No | Main contact email for supplier
- street | String | No | Street address
- postal_code | String | No | Postal code
- city | String | No | City name
- webpage | String | No | URL to supplier's website
- webshop | String | No | URL to supplier's webshop
- vat_number | String | No | VAT number for the supplier
- registration_number | String | No | Company registration number payment | Array | No | Payment information with the following values
- account_number | String | No | Bank account number
- bank | String | No | Bank name
- bic | String | No | Bank BIC identifier
- branch | String | No | Bank branch number
- eban | String | No | Bank EBAN identifier
- delivery | String | No | Delivery terms
- payment | String | No | Payment terms agreement | String | No | General text describing the agreement with the supplier
Permissions Required
- Administer suppliers permission
Delete Supplier
curl -i -X DELETE ""
-H "Authorization: Bearer aaaaaa.bbbbbbb.ccccccc"
The above command returns a 204 No Content header on success:
HTTP/1.0 204 No Content
This endpoint deletes a supplier.
HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ID | Integer | The ID of the supplier to delete |
Permissions Required
- Administer suppliers permission
- Supplier created in user's own unit