Site settings describe certain settings for the site, regarding logos, slogans and colors used.
Get Settings
curl ""
-H "Authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc"
"data": {
"site": {
"name": "Ziik",
"tagline": "Facilitating knowledge sharing and social interaction",
"headline": "Welcome to Ziik",
"identifier": "example",
"legal_name": "HQ",
"terms_link": null,
"default_language": null
"images": {
"logo": [],
"mobile": [],
"mobile_bg": [],
"icon": [],
"selected_mobile_logo": "mobile"
"colors": {
"top": "#999999",
"icon": "#ffffff",
"active": "#555555"
"modules": {
"news": true,
"groups": true,
"calendar": true,
"quicklinks": true,
"documents": true,
"chat": true,
"faq": true,
"manuals": true,
"shifts": true,
"twofactor": true,
"statistics": true
"twofactor": {
"force": false,
"methods": {
"google": true,
"sms": true
"login": [],
"apps": {
"ios": {
"latest": 169,
"minimum": 147
"android": {
"latest": 102,
"minimum": 81
This endpoint retrieves site settings for logos and colors
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
None - all settings are returned
Update Settings
curl -i -X PATCH ""
-H "Authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc"
-d "{ [...] }"
The above command returns 204 No Content on successful update.
HTTP/1.0 204 No Content
This endpoint replaces settings with the provided values.
HTTP Request
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
site | Array | No | Site settings array with the following values |
- name | String | No | Name of the intranet - shown in title bar in browsers etc.
- tagline | String | No | Tagline - shown in page footer
- headline | String | No | Introduction text - shown on login page
- legal_name | String | No | Name of company used in policy acceptance message
- terms_link | URL | No | URL to a page, where users can read about the company's legal terms
- default_language | String | No | Default language used when creating or importing users where language is not provided. Possible values are the keys returned from /api/settings/languages colors | Array | No | Site colors array with the following values
- top | String | No | Set the hex code for the color of the top bar in clients
- icon | String | No | Set the hex code for the icons in the top bar in clients
Permissions Required
- User must be Administrator