
Create New Folder

curl -i -X POST ""
  -H "Authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc"
  -d "{\"name\": \"A New Folder\", \"parent\": 121, \"units\": [565], \"userTypes\": {"access": [345], "manage": [567]}"

The above command returns 201 Created with a location header for where to find the new folder

HTTP/1.0 201 Created
  "data": {
    "id": 122,
    "content_type": "folder",
    "name": "New Folder",
    "parent": 121,
    "root": 1,
    "publish": {
      "created_at": 1540457800,
      "updated_at": 1540457800
    "sharing": {
      "shared": false,
      "shares": [],
      "inheritedShares": []
    "visibility": {
      "units": [
          "content_type": "unit",
          "id": 565,
          "name": "HQ",
          "level": 0,
          "unit_type": "unit",
          "falldown": false,
          "url": "api/units/1"
      "userTypes": [
          "id": 567,
          "name": "Manager",
          "rights": "manage"
          "id": 345,
          "name": "Employee",
          "rights": "access"
    "permissions": {
      "edit": true,
      "delete": true,
      "add": true
    "url": "api/folders/1"

This endpoint creates a new folder.

HTTP Request


Request Parameters

nameStringYesName of the new folder.
parentIntegerYesParent folder of the new folder.
visibilityArrayNoArray of the following values if applicable
-unitsArrayNoArray of unit IDs to assign to the new folder if it is to be shared
-units_falldownArrayNoArray of unit IDs to assign to the new folder with falldown to sub-units
- userTypesArrayNoNot used for personal folders. Array with the following parameters
-- readArrayNouser type IDs to allow read access to the new folder
-- writeArrayNouser type IDs to allow write access to the new folder
-- manageArrayNouser type IDs to allow manage access of the new folder
sharingArrayNoArray of the following, if applicable
-sharesArrayNoShares with users
-- readArrayNouser IDs to allow shared read access
-- writeArrayNouser IDs to allow shared access with write permissions
-- manageArrayNouser IDs to allow shared access with manage permissions

Permissions Required

  • Access to parent folder

Get Folders

curl ""
  -H "Authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

	"data": [
			"id": 3,
			"content_type": "folder",
			"name": "aperiam",
			"parent": null,
			"root": 3,
			"owner": {
				"content_type": "user",
				"id": 5,
				"name": "Vernice Wilderman",
				"first_name": "Vernice",
				"last_name": "Wilderman",
				"title": "Order Clerk",
				"avatar": null,
				"active": true,
				"unit": {
					"content_type": "unit",
					"id": 1,
					"name": "HQ",
					"level": 0,
					"unit_type": "unit",
					"url": "api/units/1"
				"url": "api/users/5"
			"publish": {
				"created_at": 1540458166,
				"updated_at": 1540458166
			"sharing": {
				"shared": false,
				"shares": [],
				"inheritedShares": []
			"visibility": {
				"units": [
						"content_type": "unit",
						"id": 1,
						"name": "HQ",
						"level": 0,
						"unit_type": "unit",
						"falldown": false,
						"url": "api/units/1"
				"userTypes": [
						"id": 1,
						"name": "Manager",
						"rights": "manage"
						"id": 2,
						"name": "Employee",
						"rights": "manage"
			"permissions": {
				"edit": true,
				"delete": true,
				"add": true
			"url": "api/folders/3"
			"id": 8,
			"content_type": "folder",
			"name": "blanditiis",
			"parent": null,
			"root": 8,
			"owner": {
				"content_type": "user",
				"id": 2,
				"name": "Gardner Osinski",
				"first_name": "Gardner",
				"last_name": "Osinski",
				"title": "Driver-Sales Worker",
				"avatar": null,
				"active": true,
				"unit": {
					"content_type": "unit",
					"id": 1,
					"name": "HQ",
					"level": 0,
					"unit_type": "unit",
					"url": "api/units/1"
				"url": "api/users/2"
			"publish": {
				"created_at": 1540458166,
				"updated_at": 1540458166
			"sharing": {
				"shared": false,
				"shares": [],
				"inheritedShares": []
			"visibility": {
				"units": [],
				"userTypes": []
			"permissions": {
				"edit": true,
				"delete": true,
				"add": true
			"url": "api/folders/8"
	"links": {
		"first": "",
		"last": "",
		"prev": null,
		"next": null
	"meta": {
		"current_page": 1,
		"from": 1,
		"last_page": 1,
		"path": "",
		"per_page": 50,
		"to": 2,
		"total": 2

This endpoint retrieves a list of folders.

If a parent ID is supplied, sub-folders to that folder are returned.

If no parent ID is supplied, root folders are returned, without folders shared directly with the current user.

If sharesOnly parameter is set, only folders shared directly with the user (i.e. not through units and user types) will be returned.

Folders are restricted by user types and units.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

parentInteger0ID of the parent folder to fetch folders for
pageInteger1Page number for pagination.
limitInteger500Number of records to return per page.
sharesOnlyBooleanfalseWhether to return folders shared with the current user

Get Folder Hierarchy

curl ""
  -H "Authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

	"data": [
			"id": 1,
			"content_type": "folder",
			"name": "eos",
			"parent": null,
			"root": 1,
			"owner": {
				"content_type": "user",
				"id": 3,
				"name": "Jasmin Kilback",
				"first_name": "Jasmin",
				"last_name": "Kilback",
				"title": "Physician",
				"avatar": null,
				"active": true,
				"unit": {
					"content_type": "unit",
					"id": 1,
					"name": "HQ",
					"level": 0,
					"unit_type": "unit",
					"url": "api/units/1"
				"url": "api/users/3"
			"publish": {
				"created_at": 1540458306,
				"updated_at": 1540458306
			"sharing": {
				"shared": false,
				"shares": [],
				"inheritedShares": []
			"visibility": {
				"units": [
						"content_type": "unit",
						"id": 1,
						"name": "HQ",
						"level": 0,
						"unit_type": "unit",
						"falldown": false,
						"url": "api/units/1"
				"userTypes": [
						"id": 1,
						"name": "Manager",
						"rights": "manage"
						"id": 2,
						"name": "Employee",
						"rights": "manage"
			"children": [
					"id": 3,
					"content_type": "folder",
					"name": "deserunt",
					"parent": 1,
					"root": 1,
					"publish": {
						"created_at": 1540458306,
						"updated_at": 1540458306
					"visibility": {
						"units": [
								"content_type": "unit",
								"id": 1,
								"name": "HQ",
								"level": 0,
								"unit_type": "unit",
								"falldown": false,
								"url": "api/units/1"
					"children": [],
					"permissions": {
						"edit": true,
						"delete": true,
						"add": true
					"url": "api/folders/3"
			"permissions": {
				"edit": true,
				"delete": true,
				"add": true
			"url": "api/folders/1"

This endpoint retrieves a list of folders with their children (sub-folders).

If a folder ID is supplied in the root parameter, only that folder and its sub-folders are returned.

If a folder ID is supplied in the exclude parameter, that folder and its sub-folders are NOT returned.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

rootInteger0ID of the folder to set as root of the returned hierarchy.
excludeInteger0ID of a folder to exclude from the result along with its children.

Get Folder Parents

curl ""
  -H "Authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

	"data": [
			"id": 1,
			"content_type": "folder",
			"name": "repellendus",
			"parent": 0,
			"root": 1,
			"owner": {
				"content_type": "user",
				"id": 3,
				"name": "Junius Glover",
				"first_name": "Junius",
				"last_name": "Glover",
				"title": "Loan Interviewer",
				"avatar": null,
				"active": true,
				"unit": {
					"content_type": "unit",
					"id": 1,
					"name": "HQ",
					"level": 0,
					"unit_type": "unit",
					"url": "api/units/1"
				"url": "api/users/3"
			"publish": {
				"created_at": 1540458503,
				"updated_at": 1540458503
			"sharing": {
				"shared": false,
				"shares": [],
				"inheritedShares": []
			"visibility": {
				"units": [
						"content_type": "unit",
						"id": 1,
						"name": "HQ",
						"level": 0,
						"unit_type": "unit",
						"falldown": false,
						"url": "api/units/1"
				"userTypes": [
						"id": 1,
						"name": "Manager",
						"rights": "manage"
						"id": 2,
						"name": "Employee",
						"rights": "manage"
			"permissions": {
				"edit": true,
				"delete": true,
				"add": true
			"url": "api/folders/1"
			"id": 2,
			"content_type": "folder",
			"name": "aliquam",
			"parent": 1,
			"root": 1,
			"owner": {
				"content_type": "user",
				"id": 4,
				"name": "Maggie Doyle",
				"first_name": "Maggie",
				"last_name": "Doyle",
				"title": "Textile Machine Operator",
				"avatar": null,
				"active": true,
				"unit": {
					"content_type": "unit",
					"id": 1,
					"name": "HQ",
					"level": 0,
					"unit_type": "unit",
					"url": "api/units/1"
				"url": "api/users/4"
			"publish": {
				"created_at": 1540458503,
				"updated_at": 1540458503
			"sharing": {
				"shared": false,
				"shares": [],
				"inheritedShares": []
			"visibility": {
				"units": [
						"content_type": "unit",
						"id": 1,
						"name": "HQ",
						"level": 0,
						"unit_type": "unit",
						"falldown": false,
						"url": "api/units/1"
				"userTypes": [
						"id": 1,
						"name": "Manager",
						"rights": "manage"
						"id": 2,
						"name": "Employee",
						"rights": "manage"
			"permissions": {
				"edit": true,
				"delete": true,
				"add": true
			"url": "api/folders/2"

This endpoint retrieves a list of folders that are parent or parent's parent to the chosen folder.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

idIntegerID of the folder to get parents for

Get Single Folder

curl ""
  -H "Authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

	"data": {
		"id": 1,
		"content_type": "folder",
		"name": "incidunt",
		"parent": 0,
		"root": 1,
		"owner": {
			"content_type": "user",
			"id": 3,
			"name": "Abdullah Schneider",
			"first_name": "Abdullah",
			"last_name": "Schneider",
			"title": "Medical Secretary",
			"avatar": null,
			"active": true,
			"unit": {
				"content_type": "unit",
				"id": 1,
				"name": "HQ",
				"level": 0,
				"unit_type": "unit",
				"url": "api/units/1"
			"url": "api/users/3"
		"publish": {
			"created_at": 1540458599,
			"updated_at": 1540458599
		"sharing": {
			"shared": false,
			"shares": [],
			"inheritedShares": []
		"visibility": {
			"units": [
					"content_type": "unit",
					"id": 1,
					"name": "HQ",
					"level": 0,
					"unit_type": "unit",
					"falldown": false,
					"url": "api/units/1"
			"userTypes": [
					"id": 1,
					"name": "Manager",
					"rights": "manage"
					"id": 2,
					"name": "Employee",
					"rights": "manage"
		"permissions": {
			"edit": true,
			"delete": true,
			"add": true
		"url": "api/folders/1"

This endpoint returns a single folder by its ID.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

IDIntegerThe ID of the folder to retrieve`

Permissions Required

  • Access to folder - Either as owner, through units and usertypes or by direct sharing.

Edit Existing Folder

curl -i -X PATCH ""
  -H "Authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc"
  -d "{\"name\": \"A New Name\"}"

The above command returns 204 No Content on successful folder update.

HTTP/1.0 204 No Content

This endpoint updates an existing folder.

HTTP Request


Request Parameters

nameStringNoNew name of the folder.
visibilityArrayNoArray of the following values if applicable
- unitsArrayNoArray of unit IDs to assign to the new folder if it is to be shared
- units_falldownArrayNoArray of unit IDs to assign to the new folder with falldown to sub-units
- userTypesArrayNoNot used for personal folders. Array with the following parameters
-- readArrayNouser type IDs to allow read access to the new folder
-- writeArrayNouser type IDs to allow write access to the new folder
-- manageArrayNouser type IDs to allow manage access of the new folder
sharingArrayNoArray of the following, if applicable
- sharesArrayNoShares with users
-- readArrayNouser IDs to allow shared read access
-- writeArrayNouser IDs to allow shared access with write permissions
-- manageArrayNouser IDs to allow shared access with manage permissions

Permissions Required

  • Manage permission to folder

Delete a Folder

curl -i -X DELETE ""
  -H "Authorization: Bearer aaaaaa.bbbbbbb.ccccccc"

The above command returns a 204 No Content header on success:

HTTP/1.0 204 No Content

This endpoint deletes a folder.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

IDIntegerThe ID of the folder to delete

Permissions Required

  • Manage access to folder
  • OR creator of folder

Upload a file to a folder

To upload a file to a folder a series of endpoints must be called in a specific order.

  • We make a request to our upload endpoint to generate the pre-signed URL.
curl -i -X POST ""
  -H "Authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc"
  -d "{\"content_type\": \"video/mp4\", \"filename\": \"video.mp4\, \"id\": {folderId}\",  \"type\": \"folders\}"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "uuid": "f5b0841e-801d-4b3a-bbf7-edd346d5eb2d",
    "bucket": "ziik-application",
    "key": "f5b0841e-801d-4b3a-bbf7-edd346d5eb2d",
    "url": "",
    "headers": {
        "x-amz-acl": [
        "Content-Type": "video/mp4"
    "file": 12496

The "file" property contains the id of the file and needs to be used later to finalize the file.

  • We make a request to the URL we get back from the previous request with the desired file attached.
curl -X PUT ""

The above command returns a 200 status with an empty response

  • We make a request to tell the API that the upload is done, so it can begin processing the file.
curl -i -X POST "{file}/finalise"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc"

The above command returns a 204 No Content status

  • We can use this endpoint to track the progress of the processing
  • The timestamp should just be the current timestamp in unix seconds. For example 1742376166
curl -i -X POST "{file}/info/{timestamp}"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc"

The body will differ for a processed file and a processing file

  • For a file that is processing, the processing is set to true and can be used to determine that the file is still processing.
      "name":"video (1).mp4",
      "created_formatted":"19 March 2025",
      "updated_formatted":"19 March 2025"
  • For a file that has completed processing. Processing has been set to false.
  "data": {
    "id": 12521,
    "name": "video (1).mp4",
    "mime": "video/mp4",
    "size": 13880759,
    "type": "video",
    "extension": "mp4",
    "uploaded": true,
    "processing": false,
    "source": "",
    "stream": "",
    "versions": [],
    "screenshot": {
      "id": 12522,
      "name": "12521_screenshot.png",
      "mime": "image/png",
      "size": 1562695,
      "type": "image",
      "extension": "png",
      "uploaded": true,
      "processing": false,
      "height": 708,
      "width": 1260,
      "source": "",
      "stream": "",
      "versions": {
        "listing": "",
        "detail": "",
        "thumbnail": "",
        "logo_mobile": "",
        "logo_desktop": "",
        "logo_splash": "",
        "splash": "",
        "hero": "",
        "crop_large": "",
        "crop_medium": "",
        "crop_small": "",
        "chat": "",
        "large_square": "",
        "small_square": "",
        "flexible": "",
        "landscape": "",
        "portrait": ""
      "date": 1742372607,
      "created_at": 1742372604,
      "updated_at": 1742372607,
      "created_formatted": "19 March 2025",
      "updated_formatted": "19 March 2025"
    "date": 1742372608,
    "created_at": 1742372593,
    "updated_at": 1742372608,
    "created_formatted": "19 March 2025",
    "updated_formatted": "19 March 2025"
Contributors: nowalor, Christian Gerdes